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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Part III

The little white house was demolished and soon all that remained of her was a huge hole in the ground. It was quite the sight and so hard to believe that things were finally getting underway. Remember, the housing search started way back in May and we're into September now. Not long after the debris was cleared and the foundation hole was dug, the footings went in. We started the long process of picking out finishes, spending every Saturday for two months, visiting tile, carpet, granite, plumbing and lighting stores. Luckily, we had the beautiful finishes that were selected for the spec home that we almost purchased, to use as a base. We were so in love with how that home came together, so we used a lot of the same items, but also put our own spin on things. Selecting tile was one of the harder items. There is so much to choose from. Also selecting plumbing fixtures took us about 8 hours total, with additional time spent fixing items that the consultant didn't properly measure for. One of the items that was difficult was the free-standing soaking tub. I had always wanted one and somehow, my husband managed to make the process way more difficult than it had to be.

He would do this often throughout the building process, walking away during discussions to figure things out and then coming back into the mix needing the whole thing repeated and then having an opinion(usually the opposite of the one we had come to during the discussions). It drove me absolutely nuts. By early, October, the foundation had been poured. It was incredibly exciting to see some real "concrete" progress taking place. I hit the midway point of my pregnancy and we found out that we were having a little girl! At this point, I was starting to feel a little sad that I wouldn't get the chance to create an actual nursery for her. Decorating a nursery is a nesting right of passage and I was missing out. Sure I would have a beautiful home to show for it in the end, but my hormones were raging and at the time and I was terribly sad that our little girl wouldn't have a proper room to come home too. My hubs felt bad about this too and gave in to my desire to purchase a crib and changing station/dresser, rocking club chair and bedding. In the end it all worked out and the nursery turned out just as I had imagined it. One month after moving, I still have a couple of things left to do - like have a cushion made for the window seat and hang some drapes, but the bulk of it is finished. It's creamy, serene and completely gender neutral since it will always be the nursery for any additional babies that come our way (hopefully 2 more), and I can honestly say that it is my favorite room in the house. Maybe it's because my favorite little girl in the whole wide world sleeps in there.

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