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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Why it's so hard to get out the door with a baby

This evening after Baby K got up from a long nap (I napped too!), I decided to venture out of the house to buy some new shoes. I fed her, burped her, changed her diaper and just as I was putting her into the infant seat, she spit up. The kind where her shirt needed to be changed. I brought her back to her changing table, changed her shirt and just as I was putting her back in the seat she spit up AGAIN. Seriously? So back to the changing table and another costume change and finally we get into the car seat, grab the diaper bag and lug both (that car seat is damn heavy) out to the car.

Seriously, if I didn't need new sneakers so that I can get my huge behind back into shape I would have given up after spit up episode 1. But alas, I did need new sneakers and I do need to get rid of my large post baby behind. Plus the hubs is out of town and I needed to get out of the house and interact with another adult - even for a few moments. Good times, good times!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Body After Baby and Other stuff

Yikes! Why oh why did I step on the scale a few weeks back. Depressing with a capital D. I am not a scale girl by nature, I go by how my clothes feel, so I'm not sure why I chose to torture myself 2 months post baby in that manner. Either way I did it and it wasn't pretty. I realized that I needed to stop relying on breastfeeding to take off the weight alone and get some help.

I started doing Yoga again. When we belonged to a gym before we got our own workout equipment, I did yoga at least twice a week. I forgot how great it feels to stretch out and to feel the slow burn that only yoga can do.

I also started making it a point to get a walk in almost every evening. Lots of times my husband comes with. Baby K naps and we chat about the day. The weather has been beautiful in Minneapolis this spring. It has been one of the nicest that I can remember and it's perfect for getting out and getting those legs moving.

Finally, I bought a book about getting the proper nutrition and losing weight while breastfeeding. It's called Eat Well, Lose Weight, While Breastfeeding. I love this book. Love it! The author, Eileen Behan, breaks down proper nutrition in a way that is so easy to understand. When I follow her eating plan I get to eat and I feel great. It's scary to mess with your food intake when your breastfeeding, but this book helps you understand your unique nutritional needs as a breastfeeding momma.

Speaking of breastfeeding, I've hit the three month mark! Baby K is three months old and I have exclusively breast fed her for that long. She received a small amount of formula supplementation in the hospital to help with the jaundice, but other than that, girlfriend has been nursing or taking expressed milk from the bottle. After following a new momma struggling with milk production, I feel so incredibly fortunate to have had a successful breastfeeding experience. At first it was stressful, but once we got the hang of everything, it has been an so enjoyable - well except for those growth spurts, those will bring nearly anyone to tears. I never would have thought I would enjoy breastfeeding, seriously, if I had had a child younger I don't even think I would have even tried. I am so glad that I did and so glad that we've had an easy time of it. My goal is to hit 6 months, and then I think we'll switch to pumping only and then by nine months, I'm hoping to have enough in the freezer to take her to a year.

Uggh, even talking about Baby K being a year makes my heart hurt. Why do they have to grow up so quickly? The changes in three months are amazing. It's like she's a kid now. She is developing a little personality and smiling and "chatting" with us. I can't wrap my head around it.

So enough rambling. I have some product reviews coming up and some other fun posts coming up.