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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

On to Solids

Baby K is not quite six months, but she was showing an incredible interest in watching us eat, I mean like staring us down, so I followed my mother's intuition and decided to start slowly introducing solids.

In preparation, I had bough some little bowls, spoons and organic rice cereal from Target during out last big trip. I bought some sippy cups too, but we haven't tried them yet. A couple of days before we decided to give her her first taste of something other than breast milk, we made a trip over to Williams-Sonoma and picked up this:

And a couple of these:

Oh my gravy, I'm in love with both! Love, love, love! We've been introducing things slowly, but I've made carrots (which I didn't freeze based on some nitrate info I've read), peas (I used organic frozen), pears, peaches, apples, and today I made butternut squash.  We've also just mashed up a little banana here and there for her. So far pears, peaches and carrots are the big hits, but hopefully, she'll start liking the others after she's had them a couple more times. I'm thinking of making my own rice cereal next, but we'll see. It's actually been helping the hubs and I increase our veggie and fruit intake!

Go buy a Beaba Babycook TODAY - you'll be glad you did. The freezer trays are awesome, once you've got your little portions all frozen you just label a freezer bag with the date and what it is, pop the portions food out of the trays and into the bag and you're good to go. The purees are good for three months in the freezer.

It's so much fun to watch your little one taste new foods for the first time. It's a whole new world for them and I'm loving the whole experience. I think she is too!

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